Tracy Axel (USA Surfing Director of High Performance & Mamba Sports Academy Manager of Sport Performance Research & Analytics)

achilles rehab communication mdt return to play surf performance surfing Apr 28, 2024


Episode 34: Andy McDonald chats to Tracy Axel the Director of high performance analytics at USA surfing and manager of sports performance research and analytics at Mamba sports academy. In this episode with Tracy we’ll be discussing her role at USA surfing and unpackaged what professional surfing looks like from a sport science and performance analytics standpoint. 

In this episode Andy and Tracy discuss: 

  • Surfing as an Olympic sport 
  • Training culture in surfing 
  • Performance markers in surfing 
  • Physiology and conditioning in surfing 
  • Return to play in surfing
  • Future of research in surfing
  • Tracys approach to high-performance 
  • Effective communication between a performance MDT

 Where you can find Tracy: